Sunday, January 9, 2011

recruit like a champ

Back at Butler and on the midst of Recruitment week and all its craziness. Although we have full days and im so tired right now im not even sure if im actually typing words, there has been such amazing sister bonding and ridiculous moments around here. The reason why I am still up is because I am trying these Crest Whitening strips for the first time and have to wait 30 min to take them off. I would totally do this and wait to put them on at midnight... Anyways, I went to catch up on my favorite blogs and found these pics on Yvan Rodic (Facehunter's photo journal). These guys are so... I cant even think of the words right now because im so tired... but cool! I had to share the beauty of these people, lifestyle, ...whatever. My dad's younger twin is totally the 2nd pic. Face, quirkiness, not to mention -im pretty sure he would wear those clothes back then.

I hope you are all enjoying yourselves! Hoping the next time I write, we will have our new Alpha Chi Omega's!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

hope for the best, prepare for the worst

Two more days until I go back to school! Im going back a week early because it is Recruitment week and I am soo excited!! After helping some girls make a split decision yesterday if they should go through recruitment week, answering all their questions made me remember all the reasons why I love my house and how much it has done for me! A week all about sisterhood, alpha chi and henious activities around the house =cant wait!

Since this is a new semester/year, I usually would go on about what I will be doing differently and my goals for this next semester (especially because I went on about how It feels like I was ending a chapter and opening a new one, earlier this break). I really just think I need to soak up what my life is right now and live it because im pretty sure my life will never be like this ever again haha. But of course keeping the focus and working hard aspects of life. I should also add the "not blowing up money for stupid things" and save up, for what is to come after this fake life I am living. And of course, still thinking of dance companies/ jobs/ real life to audition for ...ok just kidding there is a lot to think about here haha. A quote I found that really defines this moment, "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst". I mean not that that's not impossible or anything but I felt that this is an appropriate time to think this right now.

Many errands to do before hopping on the plane, such as exchanging all my Christmas money into quarters for laundry. Which I can remember, have 2 weeks worth waiting for me in my room because I ran out after thanksgiving break; causing me to go crazy if I ever saw anything silver, round, and not necessarily shiny on the ground. Gross. I actually never bought myself my Christmas gift, because the plan was to buy myself a new dress for recruitment but my mom got me a really nice dress for Christmas already! So I think Im going to treat myself to a nice massage and an itunes gift card -a new playlist for a new year!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

resolutions and an inspirational illustrator

I hope everyone had a fun and great New Years! And you all are super excited to start this new year and its new beginnings! How I am already up here at 10 a.m and ready to go, I have no idea haha.
Resolutions are the talk of the town this time of year and well out of the buzz I hear, Im thinking we are going to start to see a happier and skinnier America! I can totally see a political cartoon that pictures the U.S.A on an eliptical. What joy.
This was a hard one for me this year but i'd have to say, stick with the plans. Meaning, all my short-term goals MUST HAPPEN! Such as, (besides living everyday fabulously) getting a new seasonal job, dancing/exercising more when on breaks, and possibly -a car! Speaking of cars (which will most likely be the last on achieving), I have a slight obsession over Smart Cars. The day that I will get one will probably be never; but hey im still on a holiday, there's no need to think reality right now. Needless to say, check out this video off of Nylontv and the man who illustrates for Smart Cars! Sounds like the coolest job ever
I wonder if he owns a smart car...? Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two thousand Ten

I feel like this day last year was only yesterday and I can remember it perfectly. I remember a quote perfectly that was said, "This year is going to be a good year, I just know it." Boy, was it false and boy, was it ROUGH. I think I learned more about life this year than my whole 19 years of living through all the experiences that was dealt with. In which... I have never been so glad and thankful to have experienced them. Good or bad experiences, I am here, now feeling stronger and wiser than ever and anxiously waiting to get back to reality -but this time, playing by my rules.

I read an article in the The Lyre, a magazine that all Alpha Chi Omega sister's nationwide get, and there was a story titled, Winter Renewal, by Cheri O'Neill (Ball State University alumni). She wrote how her favorite season is winter, simply because it is like nature is giving you a clean slate. All the color is gone from the trees and the snow blankets the ground. There is a new, blank canvas awaiting for you to write in. Now call it quiencidence but right before I left for home, I kept going on, telling people that I felt like Im ending a chapter of my life for some reason and when everything returns it will be a new adventure and asking everyone if there feeling the same. It's only winter break and I have a whole semester left until Im halfway done with college! (wow scary thought right there). It might have to do with the insane-ness of my last three weeks of school. Or maybe it is because its Recruitment week once we get back and we are going to get our new baby Alpha Chi's! In which I've never been so excited for anything! Well, whatever the reson, Im glad there are signs everywhere that I am thinking in the right path (this includes quotes in Dove chocolate wrappers! I know I am so taking this all literally but hey what can I say). Excited for the new year and I am looking foward to what 2011 has to offer!I hope you are too -Happy New Year! xx

take me here

words cannot describe how much I would love to be here right now, right this second...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

black swan

I saw this movie with my AXO sister's as a study break during finals week. After slowly stumbling out of the theater, confused and messed up, I was emotionless and literally no words could come out of my mouth. Now that I think back on it, personally, I really did NOT like it. But I know a ton of people who have been raving about this pyscho thriller that mentally messes you up so I think I should say its a Love or Hate film. The psychological emotions and mental state of being a perfect ballerina turns Nina into being a dancer that I hope I never see in anyone I know. Sadly, I do know there are probably people out there who think the way character Nina does and of course, some aspects of her characteristics I get and can see why she acts the way she does. But I think most dancer's would think the same. So overall, I was not the biggest fan of this movie. But I was a very big fan of the casting and how accurate the character parts were and not to mention -their costumes! Natalie Portman sold me into believing her portrayal of a perfectionist and in that young innocent state of mind of a dancer who wants to be perfect even though she was older than she acted and looked. The mom was a typical stage mom but grown up so now she's psycho "lets baby my daughter and make sure she gets what I, myself wanted but couldn't become" mother.
I could go on about how great each character was but I really wanted to mention how great the costumes were too! I love the scene when Natalie Portman (Nina) wore the light pink yumiko with a white trim and Mila Kunis (Lily) wore the same yumiko but in black and a white trim. And my fav part ...guess who made the ballet costumes? Rodarte! Of course they did because they were absolutely gorgeous and they had beautiful detailing! Here are sketches I found by Kate, one of the designers of Rodarte
Click them to see larger in detail